
来源 :高能物理与核物理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gpi678c
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大型强子对撞机 (LHC)运行时具有很高的辐射背景 ,为达到所要求的电磁量能器的测量精度对研制中的钨酸铅晶体的抗辐照性能提出了很高的要求 .本文主要介绍了用6 0 Co的γ射线 ,在相应的辐照剂量率辐照下 ,对几种全尺寸( 2 3cm长 )钨酸铅晶体抗辐照性能的评估和测量方法 .研究了晶体在侧面辐照条件下对光产额及纵向发光均匀性的影响 ,给出了对几种晶体的测量结果 Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has a high radiation background during operation. In order to achieve the required measurement accuracy of the electromagnetic energy meter, the anti-irradiation performance of the lead tungstate crystal under development is very high. In this paper, the evaluation and measurement methods of several full-size (2 3cm long) lead tungstate crystals irradiated by 60Co γ-rays at different irradiation dose rates are described in this paper. Under the condition of lateral irradiation, the influence on the light yield and the vertical luminescence uniformity is given. The measurement results of several kinds of crystals
在考虑EMC效应的基础上进一步考虑了入射强子的能量丢失现象 ,用部分子演化模型预见核Drell Yan过程 ,效果明显改进 Based on the EMC effect, the energy loss phenomenon
This paper concerns the problem of average σ-K width and average σ-L width of some anisotropic Besov-Wiener classes Srp q θb(Rd) and Srp q θB(Rd) in Lq(Rd)
阐述了磁力传动泵中轴向力的影响 ,结合 2 0 0 GYC-60型管道式磁力传动泵的实例 ,探讨了管道式磁力传动泵轴向力产生的原因。给出各轴向力的计算公式 ,列出各轴向力计算所需
采用法国的MAFIA程序计算电场 .编制了TRAJ程序 ,用逐点跟踪计算电子轨迹 ,得到了束流包络 .观察了在高压电场中栅压对束流光学传输的影响 ,并获得了在不同能量范围内的栅压
Two LICET transitions in Cs-Sr systems are suggested and the results of numerical calculations of the transition probability and collisional crosssection are ob