宫外孕是妇产科常见的急腹症之一。近年来,以中西医结合治疗,使大多数患者免除了手术痛苦,保存了一定的生育能力。我科自1984年来以中药灌肠为主,配合内服治疗宫外孕6例,取得满意的效果,现简介如下。一、临床资料 6例患者中年龄最大者35岁,最小者21岁,均有长短不等的停经史,其中5例有不规则阴道流血及早孕反应,1例无阴道出血及早孕反应,入院时均有突发性或间隙性的下腹疼痛及肛门坠胀感,妇查:子宫均稍有增大,子宫一侧或后穹窿可扪及大小不等,形态各异的包块,后穹窿穿刺及尿妊娠试验,血HCG免疫测定均为阳性,诊断性刮宫结果宫内膜蜕膜样
Ectopic pregnancy is one of the common acute abdomen obstetrics and gynecology. In recent years, the combination of Chinese and Western medicine treatment, so that most patients relieve the pain of surgery, save a certain degree of fertility. Our department since 1984 to traditional Chinese medicine enema, combined with oral administration of ectopic pregnancy in 6 cases, and achieved satisfactory results, are as follows. First, the clinical data 6 patients in the oldest 35 years old, the youngest 21 years old, have varying lengths of menopause, including 5 cases of irregular vaginal bleeding and early pregnancy reaction, 1 case of no vaginal bleeding and early pregnancy response, admission When there are sudden or intermittent abdominal pain and anal bulge, women: a slight increase in the uterus, uterine or posterior fornix palpable and sizes, different shapes of mass, posterior fornix Puncture and urine pregnancy test, blood HCG immunoassay were positive, diagnostic curettage results endometrial decidua