三十年前,以詹姆士·邦德为主人公的007电影至今已拍了十七集。第十七集《黄金眼》最近在欧美与日本、新加坡、香港等地上映,票房已突破2亿美元,表示着007在沉默了六年之后,卷土重来,大受欢迎。詹姆士·邦德作为现代西方英雄主义的象征,有三大嗜好:新式武器,马提尼酒和漂亮女人,构建成独具特色的“动作+幽默+情感”的程式,成为西方永远的英雄。 《黄金眼》中的007 人所周知,弗莱明生前只写有16部007小说,影片《黄金眼》显然没有原著小说,但仍保留有弗莱明小说的味道。影片
Thirty years ago, the 007 film featuring James Bond as the main character has so far taken 17 episodes. The seventeenth set of “Golden Eye” recently released in Europe and the United States and Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong and other places, the box office has exceeded 200 million US dollars, said 007 in silence for six years, the comeback, very popular. As a symbol of modern Western heroism, James Bond has three major hobbies: new weapons, martinis and beautiful women, and has become a unique “action + humor + emotion” program, becoming the eternal hero of the West . As we all know, 007 in The Golden Eye, Fleming wrote only 16 007 novels in his lifetime, apparently without original novels but still with the flavor of Fleming’s novels. film