临床上偶可遇到节育环异位腹腔,往往须开腹取出异位的节育环。在临床工作中,我们对节育环异位于子宫直肠陷凹者,行后穹窿切开取环,收到满意效果,现报道如下。 一、临床资料 病例1,张某,30岁,3年前于外院置宫内节育环,过程不详,术后未随访。2天前女工普查时发现节育环异位,要求取环就诊我院。内诊检查:子宫前位,正常大小,后穹窿处可触及异位的节育环。于局麻下行后穹窿切开术,切口约0.5cm,探针探
Inexplicable intrauterine contraception may even encounter the abdominal cavity, often have to remove the ectopic contraceptive ring. In clinical work, we are different from the IUD in the uterus rectal pouch, after the fornix cut ring, received satisfactory results, are reported below. First, the clinical data Case 1, Zhang, 30 years old, 3 years ago in the hospital outside the institution of intrauterine control ring, the process is unknown, postoperative follow-up. Two days ago, the census found that women’s cesarean section ectopic, asked to take my ring hospital. Internal examination: anterior uterus, normal size, posterior fornix can be ectopic ectopic birth control ring. In local anesthesia after posterior fornix incision, incision about 0.5cm, probe probe