Fabrication and mechanical properties of MWCNTs-reinforced aluminum composites by hot extrusion

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shihongxin
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Over the past decade,the interest in aluminum composites reinforced with carbon nanotubes has grown significantly.Studies have been carried out to overcome problems with uniform dispersion,interfacial bonding,void formation and carbide formation of the composites.In the present work,multi-wall carbon nanotubes(MWCNTs) aluminum composites were produced.High-energy ball milling with the aim at developing well-dispersed MWCNTs Al composites was followed by cold compaction,sintering,and hot extrusion at 500 ℃.Different amounts of stearic acid as processing control agent(PCA) is used in order to minimize cold welding of the Al particles,and to produce finer particles.Differential scanning calorimetry(DSC),scanning electron microscopy(SEM),transmission electron microscopy(TEM),and X-ray diffraction(XRD) were employed to analyze the MWCNTs,the aluminum powder,and the composites’ microstructural behavior.The hardness and tensile properties of the composites are also evaluated.The results showed 500% increase in yield stress after the addition of 1 wt% MWCNTs in Al-MWCNTs based composite.The ball-milling time of 4 h is found to be sufficient as excessive milling time destroys a vast number of MWCNTs. Over the past decade, the interest in aluminum composites reinforced with carbon nanotubes has grown significantly. Studing have been carried out to overcome problems with uniform dispersion, interfacial bonding, void formation and carbide formation of the composites. In the present work, multi-wall Carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) aluminum composites were produced. High-energy ball milling with the aim at developing well-dispersed MWCNTs Al composites was followed by cold compaction, sintering, and hot extrusion at 500 ° C. Different amounts of stearic acid as processing control agent (PCA) is used in order to minimize cold welding of the Al particles, and to produce finer particles. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and X-ray diffraction ) were employed to analyze the MWCNTs, the aluminum powder, and the composites’ microstructural behavior. The hardness and tensile properties of the composites are also evaluated.The results sho wed 500% increase in yield stress after the addition of 1 wt% MWCNTs in Al-MWCNTs based composite. ball-milling time of 4 h is found to be sufficient as excessive milling time destroys a vast number of MWCNTs.
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中共中央政治局委员、中央书记处书记、中宣部部长刘奇葆近期在安徽调研时强调,要坚持面向基层、服务群众,为人民提供更加健康丰富的精神文化生活,更好满足人民群众的精神文化需求。  刘奇葆先后深入合肥、安庆两市的部分社区、乡村和宣传文化单位,实地了解基层群众节日文化生活情况,看望慰问一线宣传文化工作者,向他们致以节日的誠挚问候。他强调,宣传文化部门要不断加大扶持力度,广泛开展群众性文化活动,吸引更多群众热