[Background] Tremor is one of the most common neurological symptoms, but people still do not know much about its cause. Case-control studies have shown that there is a link between blood lead and essential tremor, and this association is regulated by delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydrogenase (ALAD) gene polymorphism. [Purpose] In a prospective cohort study, the relationship between lead and tremor was examined using both lead in blood and bone lead (a biomarker of accumulated lead exposure), including the regulatory role of ALAD. [Methods] Bone lead and blood lead (n = 807) in the tibia (n = 670) and patella (n = 672) were measured in the VA standard aging study cohort of middle-aged and elderly men (aged 50-98 years). Tremor was scored based on a hand-drawn sample. The ALAD genotype is divided into two groups, the ALAD-2 vector and the non-ALAD-2 vector. After adjusting for age, education, smoking and alcohol intake, a linear regression was used to estimate the association between lead biomarkers and tremor scores. [Results] There was a critical correlation (p <0.13) between the quintile and the tremor scores for all lead biomarkers in uncorrected analyzes, but not in the corrected model. Age is the strongest predictor of tremor. In subjects below the median age (68.9 years), tremors increased and were significantly associated with blood lead (P = 0.03), but not in bone lead. No modulation of ALAD was found and no association was found between the tremor score and bone lead over time. [Conclusions] The findings do not strongly support the association between lead exposure and tremor and are not associated with cumulative biomarkers of lead, but the results still suggest that blood lead may be associated with tremor in the younger cohort of this cohort.