【摘 要】
人们常以“一字千钧”比喻为文时关键字词的分量,回顾我们河南新闻出版历史,一字千钧不乏其例,有时一个字甚至维系着祸福生杀。 1936年蒋介石五十寿辰之日,河南省黄埔军校通
人们常以“一字千钧”比喻为文时关键字词的分量,回顾我们河南新闻出版历史,一字千钧不乏其例,有时一个字甚至维系着祸福生杀。 1936年蒋介石五十寿辰之日,河南省黄埔军校通讯处的机关报《河南晚报》报道开封为蒋介石庆寿的消息时把“总裁肖像”误成“总裁遗像”。当晚报纸全部被扣,邮电检查所以“反委员长”罪责令报纸停刊。《河南晚报》社长先给豫皖绥署主任
People often use the word “superlatives” metaphor for the weight of key words, recalling the history of our news and publishing in Henan, there is no shortage of word examples, and sometimes even a word to maintain the fortune and fortune to kill. On the day of the 50th birthday of Chiang Kai-shek in 1936, the newspaper “Henan Evening News” of the Whampoa Military and Communications Office of Henan Province mistook the portrait of the president into the portrait of the president when Kaifeng reported Kaifeng’s message as Chiang Kai-shek’s birthday. The newspaper was all detained that night, postal inspection so “anti-commissioner” guilty of the newspaper ceased publication. “Henan Evening News” President Yu to give Anhui Department Director
Objectives To further investigate the molecular mechanism of vasoprotective role of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), we examined DHEA on AT1 receptor and ICAM-1 g
本文采用室内摇瓶法制备和筛选出最佳秸秆降解组合菌剂,通过温室盆栽和大田小区试验,探讨施用菌剂对秸秆降解和作物生长的影响。主要研究结果如下: 1.小麦、水稻和玉米秸秆在
Objectives To investigate the relationship between plasma adiponectin level and coronary heart disease (CHD), and some established cardiovascular risk factors a
Background The incidence of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) has become an important social health problem throughout the world.Heart failure after AMI could s
Objectives To investigate the effects of simvastatin on membrane ionic currents in left ventricular myocytes of rab-bit heart suffering from acute myocardial in
羊草(Leymus chinensis)又称硷草,是欧亚大陆草原区东部草甸草原上的建群种,广泛分布在我国的东北和内蒙东部草原上,是一种抗逆性很强的野生优良牧草,各地已开始大面积种植.
小麦作为重要的粮食作物,其产量水平在国民经济中占据着重要的地位。但由于小麦是异源六倍体,其庞大而复杂的基因组致使其功能基因的研究进展缓慢。小麦花序的发育与小麦的产量密切相关,花序发育所决定的每穗实际分化的小穗数是构成小麦产量的重要决定因素。解析小麦穗发育相关基因的生物学功能,明确其实际功能对小麦的产量研究具有一定的理论意义与实际的应用价值。Terminal Flower 1(TFL1)及其同源基因