中华苏门答腊兔(Nesolagus sinensis sp. nov.)系广西崇左三合大洞早更新世巨猿动物群兔形类的惟一代表,也是亚洲首次发现的苏门答腊兔化石种类.本文对化石种(新种)的形态特征作了描述,并与印度尼西亚和越南的两个现生种及其相关属种进行了比较.形态学研究表明,化石种个体较小,p3前内褶沟极弱等性状比现生种原始,但系统发育过程中也像现生种一样仍保留幼体发育特征,表明它可能是苏门答腊兔的直接祖先.新种与中新世晚期的云南禄丰长褶翼兔(Alilepus longisinuosus)有密切亲缘关系,它很可能是由类似于长褶翼兔的祖先类型演化而来的.根据已知材料分析,苏门答腊兔的起源中心可能是中国西南部。
Nesolagus sinensis sp. Nov. Is the only representative of the rabbit-shaped giant fauna of the Great Pleistocene Early Pleistocene in Chongzuo County, Guangxi Province, and also the first fossil species of Sumatran rabbit found in Asia. In this paper, Morphological studies have shown that fossil species individuals are smaller and p3 anterior inner furrows are much weaker than those of the existing species The species, however, still retained larval developmental characteristics as the current species, suggesting that it may be the direct ancestor of Sumatran rabbits. The new species was associated with Alilepus longisinuosus in late Miocene Closely related, it is likely evolved from an ancestral species similar to the long-winged-winged rabbit.Based on the known material analysis, the origin of the Sumatran rabbit may be the southwest of China.