Predicting Terrestrial Flagstone Reservoirs in the Sha-I Member of the Qibei Depression in the Dagan

来源 :地质学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:remine
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There are few 3-D seismic profiles and drillings in the middle part of the Qibei depression in the Dagang oilfield, and more than 70% of the 2-D seismic profiles were completed before the 1980s. Meanwhile, changes in the terrestrial formations in this region have been large and complex. These factors have made it difficult to predict reservoirs in this area. The purpose of this paper is to establish a methodology for predicting potential gas and oil reservoirs. Our research combines sequence stratigraphy, well-logs, and seismic analysis to elucidate the prediction of flagstone reservoirs in the S1 (Sha-I) Member in the middle of the Qibei depression. Previous research indicates that these rocks were deposited in an environment that had a semiarid, north subtropical, and warm, humid climate. The objective strata currently consist mainly of lake facies, deeper lake facies, and shore-shallow lake facies. The study reveals that the lower section of the S1 Member is an important objective region for exploration.
This paper presents the sedimentary facies and formation of the Qiantangjiang and Taihu incised valleys, and the characteristics of shallow gas reservoir distri
抑制性猝死5例报告病理解剖学教研室李兴彪〔例1〕男,20岁。前胸部受拳击二下,不省人事,约15分钟后,双瞳孔散大而死亡。尸检见:前胸部长约1.0cm表皮剥脱,肺、脑淤血、水肿、 膜及心外膜下点状
美国加利福尼亚大学医学博士李茜等,曾在《美国医学会杂志》上发表了50岁以后老年人健康危险系数的12道自测题。这些题目来自美国健康和退休的11701例社区老年人的健康研究,并经过8009位老年人的验证。需要注意的是,这些自测题的结果仅仅是提醒人们注意预防和治疗影响健康的慢性疾病,但不适用于住院的老年人。    健康自测题如下:  1 年龄:50~59岁(0分),60~64岁11分),65~69岁(2
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