China Economic Association for the Study of the United States (formerly known as China Economic Association for the American students) was founded in May 1985 in New York. Has developed into a more than 400 members, in mainland China and the United States economically influential professional academic groups. Its advisory committee has Nobel Prize winners K. Arrow, L. Klein and H. Simon, with prominent economists such as Zheng Zhuyuan, Zou Zhizhuang, R. Denguege, L. Horowitz, D. Perkins, W Rostow, J Sachs, and famous economists in mainland China and Taiwan, Dong Yi, Li Yining, Liu Guoguang, Ma Hong, Tong Dalin, Wu Jinglian, Jiang Shuojie, Yu Zongxian et al. Due to the unique importance of the Economic Society and the achievements it has made, it was formally accepted as a group at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Social Sciences in January 1992