Determining the Age of the Cape Hare(Lepus capensis)by theOssification Features of EpiphysesCartilag

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xryanqd
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According to the specimens of ulna-radius of the Cape Hare (Lepus capensie) shot in fall and winter in Shanxi province, China, the ossifications of epiphyses cartilage of ulna-radius are divided into 4 stages. With weight of eye lens as a reference, it is proved that the age criterion could be used to distinguish young less than 6-7 months old from those older. This is a pragmatic method to analyze age composition of game-bag in the early period of shooting season when younger holds a larger proportion in the hare population. It also is userul in judging the age of hares trapped and estimating the effects of predation on the hare population structure. According to the specimens of ulna-radius of the Cape Hare (Lepus capensie) shot in fall and winter in Shanxi province, China, the ossifications of epiphyses cartilage of ulna-radius are divided into 4 stages. With weight of eye lens as a reference , it is proved that the age criterion could be used to distinguish young less than 6-7 months old from those older. This is a pragmatic method to analyze age composition of game-bag in the early period of shooting season younger wise a proportion in the hare population. It also is userul in judging the age of hares trapped and estimating the effects of predation on the hare population structure.
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