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我有幸去云南观光。在云南省宁蒗县与四川省盐源县交界的地方,有一个神秘的泸沽湖。在湖畔居住的摩梭人,至今保留着世界上惟一的母系社会特征的走婚制习俗,就是成年男人晚上要到女方家里去过夜,等到天 I am fortunate enough to go sightseeing in Yunnan. There is a mysterious Lugu Lake at the junction of Ninglang County in Yunnan Province and Yanyuan County in Sichuan Province. Mosuo people living in the lakeside, has retained the world’s only matriarchal marriage customs, is the adult man to go to the woman’s house to spend the night at night until the day
侯马市位于山西省西南部,地处临汾盆地,“金乔环峙,汾浍旋潆”,自古以来就是十分重要的交通枢纽。早在2500多年以前,晋人就迁都于此。 历史上记载:公元前585年,晋景公以新田