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The Yingpan cemetery is situated lkm northeast of the Yingpan city-site. There are more than 300 tombs in disorder and largely with diversiform-leaved polar stakes on the surface. Of them 80 were excavated in 1999, and 8 of these are reported in the prese
On September 24, 2001, the symposium "Position of Archaeology" organized by the Institute of Archaeology, CASS, was held in the Lecture Hall of the Institute. Nearly 50 Chinese and foreign scholars attended the meeting. They set off animated discussions
At the Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of the Institute of Archaeology, CASS, and the Opening Ceremony of the “Chinese Archaeology and World Archaeology in the 21st Century” International Symposium, Mr. Li Tieying, Member of the Po
The Tanshuzui site is located on a hillside in the southwest of Tanshuzui village, Xiafan township, Ruiehang city, Jiangxi, and occupies an area of 10,000sq m. This time of excavation revealed eight ash-pits, six house-foundations, two ash-trenches and ei