复方绞服蓝口服液是采用绞股蓝总皂甙为主研制的复方中药制剂。经临床应用证明:该药对治疗高脂血症有较好疗效。为探讨其作用机理,对复方绞股蓝口服液进行调理血脂及抗衰老作用的实验研究。1 材料与方法1.1 调理血脂的实验研究1.1.1 动物 封闭群SD大鼠48只,体重190±20g,雌雄各半,由西安医科大学实验动物中心提供。1.1.2 药品和试剂 复方绞股蓝口服液由陕西科学院
The compound kusage blue oral liquid is a compound Chinese medicine preparation mainly developed using Gynostemma total saponin. The clinical application shows that the drug has a good effect on the treatment of hyperlipidemia. To investigate its mechanism of action, an experimental study was conducted on the effect of compounded Gynostemma oral liquid on blood lipid and anti-aging. 1 Materials and methods 1.1 Experimental study on blood lipid conditioning 1.1.1 Animals Closed group of 48 SD rats weighing 190 ± 20g, male and female, were provided by Xi’an Medical University Experimental Animal Center. 1.1.2 Drugs and Reagents Compound Gynostemma Oral Solution by Shaanxi Academy of Sciences