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出版社:中信出版社定价:42.00元《基业长青(珍藏版)》打破旧有神话,提供新颖见解,并为那些有志于建立经得起时间考验的伟大公司的企业家提供实际指导。如何建立一个伟大并长胜不衰的公司?有思想的人们早已经厌倦了“年度流行语”般稍纵即逝的管理概念,他们渴求获得能经受时间考验的管理思想。 Publisher: CITIC Press Price: 42.00 yuan Everlasting (Collector’s Edition) "Breaking the old myths, providing fresh insights and providing practical guidance to entrepreneurs who aspire to build great companies that stand the test of time. How to build a great, long-lasting company? People with ideas are already tired of fleeting management concepts such as ’buzzwords’ and they crave management thinking that can stand the test of time.