筹备基本就绪的我国首家大理石博物馆(新馆)——大理市万永林大理石博物馆,为庆祝馆长万永林先生的母校(大理一中)120周年华诞,于今年10月15日开馆预展。这一天,笔者和几位同事正好在大理出差,工作之余,我们便兴致勃勃地捷足先登,先睹为快。 博物馆座落在大理古城三月街南牌坊附近,馆楼建筑虽有些简朴,但三层楼的展室面积却很大,合计约3000平方米,展品也很多,有一万多件。这些展品,全是采自大理苍山的彩花大理石经研磨、抛光后呈现的神奇美丽、千姿百态、千奇百怪、千变万化的
Preparation of the first ready for our country’s first marble museum (New Museum) - Dali City, Wan Yonglin Marble Museum, in order to celebrate the curator Wan Yonglin’s alma mater (Dali one) 120th anniversary of the founding of this year on October 15 this year opened Preview. On this day, the author and several colleagues just happened to be on a business trip in Dali. Apart from their spare time, we would be pleased to introduce ourselves first. The museum is located near the south archipelago in March Street, Dali. Although the museum building is somewhat simple, the exhibition area of the three-storey building is very large with a total area of about 3,000 square meters. There are also many exhibits with more than 10,000 pieces. These exhibits are all collected from Dali Cangshan colorful flowers marble polished, polished presents a magical and beautiful, mixed, all sorts of strange things, ever-changing