From 1966 to 1977, the Department of Medicine of Kurume University conducted a clinicopathological study of 180 lesions of 180 cases of early cancer, including 101 cases of differentiated carcinoma, 108 lesions, 79 cases of undifferentiated carcinoma, and 79 lesions. In the preoperative X-ray and endoscopy, if you can understand the visual features of early gastric cancer. The determination of his or her tissue type, the choice of surgery, and the subsequent evaluation are of great significance. According to the classification of the Japanese Endoscopic Society, the eyes of early gastric cancer are divided into: uplift type (I, II (?)), uplift ten depression type (II_a+II_c, II_c+II_a), depression type (II_c), merger Ulcers (II_c+III, IV+II_c). Type 4 in differentiated carcinoma: 35 cases of uplift type, 19 cases of uplift + depression type, 26 cases of depression type, and 28 cases of combined ulcer type. Undifferentiated