
来源 :Journal of Marine Science and Application | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xrzs011
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A pipe model with a mass ratio(mass/displaced mass) of 4.30 was tested to investigate the vortex-induced vibrations of submarine pipeline spans near the seabed.The pipe model was designed as a bending stiffness-dominated beam.The gap ratios(gap to diameter ratio) at the pipe ends were 4.0,6.0,and 8.0.The flow velocity was systematically varied in the 0-16.71 nondimensional velocity range based on the first natural frequency.The mode transition between the first and the second mode as the flow velocity increases was investigated.At various transition flow velocities,the research indicates that the peak frequencies with respect to displacement are not identical along the pipe,nor the frequencies associated with the peak of the amplitude spectra for the first four modes as well.The mode transition is associated with a continuous change in the amplitude,but there’s a jump in frequency,and a gradual process along the pipe length. A pipe model with a mass ratio (mass / displaced mass) of 4.30 was tested to investigate the vortex-induced vibrations of submarine pipeline spans near the seabed. The pipe model was designed as a bending stiffness-dominated beam. The gap ratios to diameter ratio at the pipe ends were 4.0, 6.0, and 8.0. The flow velocity was systematically varied in the 0-16.71 nondimensional velocity range based on the first natural frequency. The mode transition between the first and the second mode as the flow the increase of was investigated. At the various frequencies flow for velocities, the research indicates that the peak frequencies with respect to displacement are not identical along the pipe, nor the frequencies associated with the peak of the amplitude spectra for the first four modes as well. mode transition is associated with a continuous change in the amplitude, but there’s a jump in frequency, and a gradual process along the pipe length.
Objective: To study the pregnancy outcome of induction of labor with prostaglandin E2(PGE2) in women with one previous lower segment cesarean section. Methods:
苯胺或芳醚、N-卤代丁二酰亚胺(1.3倍摩尔量)、D-樟脑磺酸(0.5倍摩尔量)和1,3-双(1-金刚烷基)咪唑四氟硼酸盐(5%)在二噁烷中,室温反应24 h,制得相应的对位卤代产物。20例收率
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