父亲范有信离开我们已五年了。 1998年3月23日19时50分,病魔吹灭了父亲的生命之烛。他走的那个晚上,大风呼啸,雪花飘扬,那是大漠送行的风,塞北思念的雪。风雪过后的日子,街景与往常一样喧闹,但毕竟不同于往日,眼前和心里,只留下时时的隐痛和无尽的思念。 父亲是土生土长的兰州人,1943年出生于西固一个农民家庭,他排行老四。听奶奶讲:父亲少年时代是个既争气又懂事的孩子,小学期间他当了几年班长,各门功课都很好,尤其喜爱美术。他曾在
Father Fan Yuxin left us for five years. At 23:50 on March 23, 1998, the sickness blew out the candle of his father’s life. The night he walked, the wind whistling, snow fluttering, it is the desert dedication of the wind, the snow in the North of the Sebei. After the snowstorm, street scenes are as noisy as usual, but after all, different from past, present and heart, leaving only the time-consuming pain and endless thoughts. His father, a native of Lanzhou, was born in 1943 in a farming family in Xigu. Listen to my grandmother: fatherhood is a proud and sensible child, he served as a monitor for several years in primary school, all homework is good, especially like art. He was there