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在批林批孔运动的推动下,在学习上海昆虫研究所的经验的基础上,大胆革新,土法上马,摸索出一些简单易行,经济有效,适于广大农村大面积使用的土制诱杀红铃虫性诱剂的方法。经过反复试验和大面积推广,取得了良好效果。 一、土制性诱剂的方法 每天清晨将树枝把诱到红铃虫雌蛾(也可不分雌雄),剪下腹尾部放入酒杯内,用酒精或白酒(要淹没腹尾),浸泡5-8小时也可现做现用,然后用筷子仔细捣烂,把组织浆(连渣带水)或简称粗提物涂在 Based on the experience of the Shanghai Insect Research Institute, based on the experience of the Shanghai Forestry Research Institute and Insect Research Institute, boldly innovating and applying the law of the soil, we have found out some simple, economical and effective land-use traps that are suitable for large-scale rural use Red bellworm lure method. After repeated tests and large-scale promotion, achieved good results. First, the method of indigenous lure Every morning, the branches will be induced to female pink bollworm (but also male and female), cut the abdominal tail into the glass, with alcohol or white wine (to drown the abdominal tail), soak 5- 8 hours can be done now, and then carefully smashed with chopsticks, the tissue pulp (even with water) or crude extract was painted
长距茧蜂(Macrocertrus sp.)分布广泛,发生数量稳定,适应性强,遍布于温带及亚热带。在调查地区中,只要有松梢螟分布的地区都有长距茧蜂,甚至在松梢螟幼虫极少或幼树零星生长
今年四月是我国的第十二个税收宣传月,为在全社会弘扬“依法诚信纳税,共建小康社会”的税宣主题,进一步增强公民的诚信纳税意识,广州市地 April this year is the 12th tax
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黄领麻纹灯蛾Spilotoma imparilis Butl(=Diacriciaimparilis Butl)在昆明地区是多种果树,林木和农作物上的害虫。主要寄主有梨、桃、苹果、杏、柿子、梅、李、海棠、石榴、
一、腰果园的建立 (一)开垦植地应该全垦。如不考虑机械化管理,可以只在植行挖树头,这样虽较省工,但以后会因管理困难而费工。砍伐的林木和挖起的树头应堆放于林段边缘;如打