危害人参的主要病害有立枯病、猝倒病、菌核病、疫病、锈腐病、参果绵腐病等;主要地下害虫有金针虫、蝼蛄、蛴螬、地老虎等.现将常用的防治农药做一介绍.五氯硝基苯 为70%的粉剂,主要防治由种子和土壤传播的真菌病害,对人参立枯病和锈腐病有较好的防治效果.使用方法是在播种、移栽前或出苗前每平方米用10—15克进行土壤消毒,或用200倍液浇灌发生立枯病、猝倒病苗.
The main diseases endangering ginseng blight, damping off disease, Sclerotinia, blight, rust rot, ginseng and other diseases; the main underground insects are insects, 蝼 蛄, 蛴 螬, to the tiger, etc .. Now commonly used Prevention and control of pesticides to do an introduction.Chloronitrobenzene 70% of the powder, the main prevention and control of fungal diseases transmitted by seeds and soil, on the ginseng blight and rust rot has a better control effect.Use method is in sowing, Pre-transplanting or pre-emergence with 10-15 grams per square meter of soil disinfection, or with 200 times the occurrence of seeding blight, cataplexy seedlings.