在舟山市金塘镇沥港康源新村32号楼前,挂着一块“义务消防站”的牌子。它,凝聚着一个退伍消防兵的消防情结,记录着省劳动模范朱象定的动人故事。 1979年 5月,当了五六年消防兵的朱象定,在部队因公致伤,加上患有疾病,不愿成为部队的照顾对象,毅然退伍回乡,成了沥港船厂的一名专职消防员。脱下军装走上新的工作岗位,朱象定把“退伍并没有退出战斗,复员后仍是革命军人”作为座右铭,20余年如一日,以一名共产党员、消防战士的标准严格要求自己,牢把消防安全关,坚持“宁愿听到骂声,不愿听到哭声”的原则,苦口婆心做解释,
In the Town of Zhoushan City, Lek Hong Lek Hong Village Building 32, hung a “volunteer fire station” sign. It embodies the fire complex of a veteran fireman and records the moving story of Zhu Xiangding, a model worker in the province. In May 1979, when Zhu Xiangding, a soldier of five or six years, was injured in the armed forces and was suffering from illness, he was reluctant to become a military caregiver. He decided to return home and became a full-time Ligang Shipyard Firemen. Taking off his uniformed military uniform and embarking on a new job, Zhu Xiangben took the motto of “leaving the army without exiting the army and still being a revolutionary soldier after the demobilization.” Over the past 20-plus years, he strictly demanded himself as a communist and a fighter for firefighting. Fire safety, adhere to the “would rather hear condemning, do not want to hear the crying” principle, earnestly explain,