无籽西瓜是由四倍体西瓜与二倍体西瓜杂交而产生的一代杂种,它具有品质优良、无籽可口、抗病力强、耐贮藏运输等优点。无籽西瓜种子较厚且硬,种胚发育不良,不易冲破种皮而长出芽来,并且发芽温度也比普通西瓜种子高一些。温度低于30~35℃,对无籽西瓜的发芽势、发芽率和成苗率都有影响。因此,要采用营养体育苗,不宜采用露地直播。营养钵育苗一般在4月中、下旬浸种催芽播种。①浸种 播前一天采用温汤浸种。方法是:将水温调至53℃,种子倒入温水中浸4小时(上浮种子的发芽率仍很高),待种子吸胀后起水,用清水冲洗干净,并用干布擦净种子
Seedless watermelon is a hybrid produced by tetraploid watermelon and diploid watermelon hybrids. It has the advantages of good quality, delicious seeds, strong disease resistance, storage resistance and transportation. Seedless watermelon seeds thicker and harder embryonic hypoplasia, not easy to break the seed coat and grow buds, and germination temperature is higher than ordinary watermelon seeds. Temperature below 30 ~ 35 ℃, on the seedless watermelon germination potential, germination rate and seedling rate have an impact. Therefore, to adopt nutrition sports seedlings, should not be used to broadcast live. Nutritional Bowl nursery generally in mid-April, late soaking germination sowing. ① soaking the day before sowing soaked with warm soup. The method is: the water temperature is adjusted to 53 ° C, the seeds into the warm water immersion 4 hours (the germination rate of floating seeds is still high), after the seeds start absorbing water swelling, rinse with water and wipe the seeds with a dry cloth