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问的是曲子如何,回答说诗歌很好,这于逻辑不通,却很巧妙——古希腊哲学家苏格拉底的妻子是一个著名的悍妇,动不动就把丈夫大骂一通。一次,她对苏格拉底大发雷霆之后,又当头泼了他一盆冷水。面对这种情况,一般的丈夫通常都会发作起来进行反击的,但是苏格拉底面临这种困窘处境,竟然冷静地说“:雷鸣之后免不了一场大雨。”由此,一场大的冲突化作了一场玩笑。别人问苏格拉底为什么要娶这 What is asked about the song, replied that poetry is very good, which is logical, but very clever - the wife of the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates is a famous defile, her husband cursed a pass. Once, when she was furious about Socrates, he poured the cold water again. Faced with this situation, the average husband will usually attack and attack, but Socrates face this embarrassing situation, actually calmly say “: a thunderstorm inevitably a heavy rain. ” Thus, a big Conflict made a joke. Others asked Socrates why they want to marry this