一、概述 “复仇者”(Avenger)武器系统是美国波音宇航公司(BAC)最近研制的一种低空近程防空武器系统。1983年5月波音宇航公司提出将原来陆军已服役的肩射防空导弹“尾刺”(Stinger)改装为车载发射的武器系统方案,起名为Avenger系统,BAC公司对这个系统的设计思想主要考虑为: 1.采用已有的设备包括导弹、运载车辆、发射控制系统、通讯系统、目标显示跟
I. Overview The Avenger weapon system is a recently developed low-altitude short-range air defense weapon system by the U.S. Boeing Aerospace Corporation (BAC). In May 1983, Boeing Aerospace Corporation proposed the conversion of the Army’s staged shoulder-fired air defense missile “Stinger” into a vehicle-launched weapon system program, which was named the Avenger system. The BAC Company mainly considered this system’s design philosophy To: 1. The use of existing equipment, including missiles, vehicles, launch control systems, communications systems, target display with