埃德加·艾伦·坡(Edgar Allan Poe)是十九世纪英国著名小说家,被誉为“侦探小说之父”。他在自己作品中采用的一些写作策略和叙事方式,被称为“爱伦坡模式”,对后世影响深远。比如:业余侦探、密室案件、分析解谜、现场描写以及话语平实。G该文拟对以上模式分析解读。“,”Being regarded as the father of detective fiction, Edgar Allan Poe used many useful means which are conducive to the formation of detective fiction, a subgenre of fiction. Such as, the amateur detective, the locked-room cases, the approaches of ana?lyzing mystery, the ways of describing killing scenes, and the usage of plain words and lots of conversations. These means, called Allan Poe’s Mode, are followed by many authors afterwards. Poe himself has made great contribution to such subgenre of fiction.