肠易激综合征(irritable bowel syndrome,IBS)是一种常见的功能性消化系统疾病,其临床特点是腹痛、腹胀等腹部不适伴大便性状和(或)大便次数改变,但无明确大体形态学、组织学、微生物学或生化代谢异常可查的临床综合征。其国外发病率为10%~15%[1],国内流行病学调查报道其发病率为5.60%[2]。IBS症状呈慢性、反复发作,同时还常伴有多种肠道外症状表现,如兴趣缺乏、情绪低落、心烦、失眠等精神状态的改变。
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common functional digestive system disease characterized by abdominal discomfort associated with abdominal pain, bloating, etc. with changes in stool characteristics and / or stool frequency but without clear general morphology , Histology, microbiology or biochemical metabolic abnormalities can check the clinical syndrome. The foreign incidence of 10% to 15% [1], the domestic epidemiological survey reported the incidence of 5.60% [2]. IBS symptoms are chronic, recurrent, often accompanied by a variety of parenteral symptoms, such as lack of interest, depression, upset, insomnia and other mental changes.