上海。2001年12月。淮海中路黄陂路口,一幢60层高的具有现代化造型的大厦拔地而起。这是淮海路上目前最高的建筑,一到晚上,灯光璀璨,雄伟而又优雅,这幢名为“香港新世界”的大厦,给高雅的淮海路增添了一道新的亮丽风采,亦成为上海市具有标志性的建筑物。 此刻,我在香港新世界总部办公室采访了该幢大厦的业主、香港新世界中国地产有限公司副主席杜惠恺先生。杜先生是个大忙人,现在他差不
Shanghai. December 2001. Huaihai Road Huangpi junction, a 60-storey building with modern styling towering up. This is currently the tallest building on Huaihai Road. In the evening, the lights are bright, magnificent and elegant. The building named “Hong Kong New World” has added a new and elegant style to the elegant Huaihai Road and also became the landmark of Shanghai Iconic buildings. At the moment, I interviewed Mr. Du Huikai, the owner of the building and vice chairman of Hong Kong New World China Land Limited in the Hong Kong New World Headquarters office. Mr. Du is a busy man, and now he is not bad