文章认为 ,中国地方志有持续编纂和不断创新两个特点。传统的志书有重修、续修、创修等多种名称 ,除开创之志外 ,主要有两种修法 ,一为别出新裁全部改撰 ,一为因仍前志但纂续编。而单纯继承、简单填补前志 ,不可能修成佳志 ,续修应在前志的基础上因时因事而变。文章联系传统修志经验 ,对下届修志的组织形式、体制格局、名称内容等提出了具体建议
The article holds that there are two characteristics of Chinese local chronicles, such as continuous codification and continuous innovation. There are two kinds of revision methods in traditional Chi books, such as rebuilding, renewal and creation. Apart from creating ambitions, there are mainly two kinds of revision methods. And simply inherit, simply fill the former Chi, Ji Zhici can not be repaired, renewal should be based on the former Chi due to change. The article links with the traditional experience of Chi, the next revision Chi organization form, system structure, the name of the content made specific recommendations