INTRODUCTION In low-voltage, high-current regulated power supplies used in transistor computers, relay protection has so far not been fully resolved. Due to the fuse to withstand vibration performance is very bad and due to thermal degradation of the cut off a longer duration, but also because the electromagnetic contact relays often bear mechanical and arc wear and poor contact, the reaction speed is slow, so that the power supply The reliability of the system can not be guaranteed. At present, many foreign literature recommends and introduces overload, overvoltage and undervoltage protection circuits for contactless relays made of magnetic amplifier components or transistor amplifiers. Such a strong, reliable, sensitive circuit is to solve the transistor computer power supply relay protection better solution, it has also become the most promising overload protection program. This paper is based on the main reference [1], [2] and the test results compiled from the article will introduce two kinds of protection circuit - all-magnetic and magnetic crystal combination, and describes its working principle and experimental results.