激光冷却是产生超冷原子的常用办法,最近,美国约翰霍普金斯大学的Ja-cob Khurgin却创造性地提出用激光来冷却半导体材料。虽然还没有实验验证他的想法,但他认为他的想法可能给红外探测器及其它电子器件带来更有效的冷却方式。(Phys.Rev.Lett.98177401)材料如果吸收一个光子然后
Laser cooling is a popular method of generating ultra-cold atoms. Recently, Ja-cob Khurgin of Johns Hopkins University has creatively proposed using lasers to cool semiconductor materials. Although his ideas have not been validated experimentally, he believes his thinking may give infrared detectors and other electronics more efficient cooling. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 98177401) material absorbs one photon then