解析几何解答题每年一道题,它融几何、代数、三角知识于一体,内容丰富,知识跨度大,在近年高考中体现“知识与能力并重”的考查原则,从历年的高考试题来看,不难得知主要有四大热点:曲线轨迹问题的探求。直线与圆锥曲线的位置关系问题、范围问题、最值问题等,如下表: 下面例析解析几何解答题中四大热点问题
Each year, the problem of analytical geometric solution questions is integrated into geometry, algebra, and triangulation. It is rich in content and has a wide range of knowledge. In recent years, the examination principle of “equal knowledge and ability” has been embodied in the college entrance examination. From the high examination questions of previous years, no It is hard to know that there are four major hotspots: the search for the curve trajectory problem. The relationship between the straight line and conic curve position, range problem, the value of the problem, etc., are as follows: The following four examples of analytical geometry solution questions in the four hot issues