,Reciprocity principle-based model for shielding effectiveness prediction of a rectangular cavity wi

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zj770929
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According to the reciprocity principle, we propose an efficient model to compute the shielding effectiveness of a rectangular cavity with apertures covered by conductive sheet against an exteal incident electromagnetic wave. This problem is converted into another problem of solving the electromagnetic field leakage from the cavity when the cavity is excited by an electric dipole placed within it. By the combination of the unperturbed cavity field and the transfer impedance of the sheet, the tangential electric field distribution on the outer surface of the sheet is obtained. Then, the field distribution is regarded as an equivalent surface magnetic current source responsible for the leakage field. The validation of this model is verified by a comparison with the circuital model and the full-wave simulations. This time-saving model can deal with arbitrary aperture shape, various wave propagation and polarization directions, and the near-field effect.
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玉盘似的明月高挂在深邃的夜空中,月光洒落下来,大地一片银色……  我伏在窗前,望着夜空,心情却糟糕透了,攥着那张折皱的试卷,手心已捏出了汗。我慢慢松开手指,把试卷重新摊开,望着那刺眼的分数,我的心仿佛在结冰。一声啜泣打破了屋内的寂静,那是我发出的吗?当一滴滚烫的泪珠滑落面颊,我才意识到,原来真的是我。我再次把试卷揉成一团,却无力再把它扔出去。“你输了。”我在心底对自己说。瞬间,泪如雨下……  “吱
暮春,阳光开始变得“热烈”起来,娇艳的紫玉兰花忍受不了这份“热情”,纷纷弃枝落地。看着满地凋零的花瓣,一如我重重的心事:学习中多次的失利,使我似乎站在了绝望的边缘,心中何曾有美丽的风景?  难得爸爸休假,邀我去散步。傍晚,万物笼罩在夕阳的余晖下,显得很温馨。但我的心情却并非如此,取而代之的是难以遮掩的阴沉。最近自己陷入了迷茫之中,自以为在学习上很努力了,却总是得不到理想的成绩。  爸爸将心不在焉的