治疗方法 面粉500g,孩儿茶10g,车前子50g。将面粉炒至深褐色为度,车前子炒焦存性研为细末,儿茶碾为极细末,3味药充分拌匀,分装100小包,密封防潮备用。每日腹泻10次以下者,服药3次,腹泻10次以上者,每日服药4~5次,1岁以下患儿每次1包。1~2岁每次加至1包半,2~4岁每次加至2包。空心温水调服,伴呕吐用生姜汤调服。脱水患儿可兼服口服补液盐或静脉输液。
Treatment 500g flour, child tea 10g, Plantago 50g. The flour fry until the dark brown for the degree, the car before the sub-coke deposit for the fine grinding, tea grind to the very fine, 3 herbs full mix, pack 100 packets, sealed moisture reserve. 10 times daily diarrhea, medication three times, more than 10 times diarrhea, daily medication 4 to 5 times, 1 child under the age of 1 package each time. 1 to 2 years old each added to a half package, 2 to 4 years old each added to 2 packs. Hollow warm water transfer service, accompanied by vomiting ginger soup transfer service. Children with dehydration can take oral rehydration salts or intravenous fluids.