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一、前言在流域规划编制阶段,估价工作甚为烦琐。分析选用定额,计算材料单价,然后再计算单位工程造价,要付出很多人力,又由于工序多,数字多,很容易出现错误,只要其中有一步出错,就会造成全部或局部的返工,同时流域规划的方案多,变动多,往往方案一变,就得从头算起,这样和流域规划本身其他工作的配合,在时间上精度上很不适应。 I. Preface Valuation work is cumbersome in the planning stage of a river basin. Analysis of the use of quotas, calculate the unit price of materials, and then calculate the unit cost of the project, to pay a lot of manpower, but also because of the process more, the number of more prone to error, as long as there is one step error, it will cause all or part of the rework, and basin There are many plans and many changes in planning. Often, when a program is changed, it must start from scratch. This is inaccurate in time and accuracy with other work in the basin planning itself.
一、水输机表面塗料的目的及可能采用的材料(一) 主要目的——抵抗泥砂对水輪机的磨損为了根治黄河,黄河規划委員会提出根治黄河,并綜合开發黄河的偉大计划诨坪铀Πl电
[W 0 0 9]淀粉的结晶性与非晶性研究进展ProgressofResearchontheCrystallinityandNon crystallinityofStarch梁 勇 张本山 高大雄 杨连生 (华南理工大学轻化所 广州  5 1 0 640 )从淀粉结晶的类型、结 Progress in Research on Crystal
Arsenazo M could bind with bovine serum albumin to form a complex in Clark-Lube buffer at pH 2.3 and room temperature, which gives a maximum absorption peak at
加入WTO对我国石油机械行业有何影响 ?对这个问题要做具体分析。总体而言 ,我国石油机械行业的制造水平处于国际 80年代末和 90年代初的水平 ,产品多以劳动密集型为主 ,技术密集
离心泵的典型应用是输送 1 0 0 %液相的介质。然而 ,这样的理想工况在实际中并不多见。很多时候 ,需要用泵来输送未溶解的气体或蒸汽。导致这一现象的原因可能是安装不充分、
汽提器塔盘用于流化催化裂化装置的汽提段 ,待生催化剂与汽提流体接触除去催化剂中的烃。①上段收集催化剂 ;②下段垂直置于上段下方 ,在塔盘边缘向下级垂直塔盘卸催化剂 ;③
<正> 金沙江是长江的正源,流经青海、四川(原西康省)云南等省,至四川的宜宾与岷江会流后,始称长江。从源头到宜宾,河流长约2,700公里,约占长江全部长度的一半;流域面积480,00
Dynamic behaviors on polyacrylic acid (PAA) gels and mass (small molecules) transports in the gels have been studied mainly by dynamic light scattering (DLS).
Self-ordering of the cell arrangement of the anodic porous alumina was prepared in oxalic acid solution at a constant potential of 40V and at a temperature of 2