目的:通过研究雪山杜鹃叶挥发油的化学成分,为雪山杜鹃的药用及开发利用提供依据。方法:采用水蒸气蒸馏法提取雪山杜鹃叶挥发油,并运用气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GC-MS)对其挥发油进行了系统的分离和鉴定。结果:从雪山杜鹃叶中共鉴定出71种挥发性成分,占挥发油总量的80.51%。雪山杜鹃叶挥发油主要成分为:芳樟醇10.66%、白菖烯4.35%、epimanoyl oxide 3.85%、α-松油醇3.46%、α-杜松醇3.27%。结论:本实验采用GCMS分析方法对雪山杜鹃叶挥发油进行分析,可为合理开发利用雪山杜鹃资源提供科学依据。
OBJECTIVE: To study the chemical constituents of the essential oil of Rhododendron fortunei and provide basis for the medicinal use and development and utilization of Rhododendron. Methods: Volatile oil of Rhododendron fortunei was extracted by steam distillation. The volatile oil was systematically isolated and identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Results: A total of 71 volatile components were identified from the leaves of Rhododendron zeylanica, accounting for 80.51% of the total. The main constituents of the essential oil of Rhododendron delavayi are as follows: linalool 10.66%, alfalfa 4.35%, epimanoyl oxide 3.85%, α-terpineol 3.46% and α-juniper alcohol 3.27%. Conclusion: In this experiment, the analysis of volatile oil of Rhododendron fortunei from GC by GCMS can provide a scientific basis for rational exploitation and utilization of Rhododendron fortunei.