建筑材料工业是一门重要的原料材料工业.建筑材料工业的发展速度,在很大程度上决定着基本建设的发展速度.建筑材料的质量、品种和规格,直接影响着建筑工程的坚固、适用和经济.为了适应我国基本建设任务逐年增长的形势,高速度地发展建筑材料工业,是摆在我们面前的一项迫切的任务. 建国以来,我国的建筑材料工业有了很大的发展.大家知道,旧中国建筑材料工业的底子是十分薄弱的,有七十多年历史的水泥工业,最高年产量仅二百二十九万吨,其他建筑材料的
The building materials industry is an important raw material material industry. The development speed of the building materials industry has largely determined the speed of development of the basic construction. The quality, variety and specifications of construction materials directly affect the sturdiness and application of construction projects. In order to adapt to the ever-increasing trend of China’s basic construction tasks, the rapid development of the building materials industry is an urgent task before us. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the building materials industry in China has developed greatly. It is known that the foundation of the old Chinese building materials industry is very weak. It has a cement industry with a history of more than 70 years. The maximum annual output is only 2.29 million tons. Other building materials