柏林是德国的首都,欧洲政治、经济、文化的中心城市;爱乐乐团享誉全球,是全世界人民仰慕的音乐文化传播者。把房地产项目与两者相联,是否过于牵强附会呢? 看过柏林爱乐项目之后,我的疑虑打消了。德式建筑设计风格中组团式的规划、设计方案使得柏林与爱乐在建筑中结合了。它的基地近似正方形,东西轴线与南北轴线成十字交叉将60万平方米开发面积组团一分为
Berlin is the capital of Germany and the central city of politics, economy and culture in Europe. The Philharmonic Orchestra enjoys worldwide acclaim and is a music culture communicator admired by people all over the world. Is it too far-fetched to associate a real estate project with both? My doubts disappeared after reading the Berlin Philharmonic. German-style architectural design group-style planning, design program makes Berlin and Philharmonic in the building. Its base is approximately square, east-west axis and north-south axis into a cross to 600,000 square meters of development area group divided into