云阳县幅员面积3648.9km~2,人口116.4万人,农耕地120.19万亩,占总土地面积的21.96%;荒山草坡221.32万亩,占40.44%,人均荒山约2万亩。其荒山资源特点为;①山高坡陡,土层瘠薄;②地貌复杂,立体气候明显;③紫色土分布广,土壤类型多;④森林被破坏,水土流失严重。因此云阳县决定开发荒山资源,走发展经济林木的道路。首先,500m 以下的丘陵区多系紫色土,温、光、水等条件较好,以发展柑桔、桑树、枇杷为主,结合发展李、杏、梨、桃、乌柏;干热河谷地区土层瘠薄,无农垦价值,宜大力发展蓑草。其次,500~1000m 地区以发展油桐、杜仲为宜;须家河组地层的酸性土应发展茶叶、油茶、猕猴桃、山胡椒、柿树等;阳坡沟谷两旁潮湿
Yunyang County covers an area of 3648.9km ~ 2, with a population of 1,164,000 and an area of 1,210,900 mu of arable land, accounting for 21.96% of the total land area; and a total area of 2,213,200 mu of waste hills and grass slopes, accounting for 40.44% and about 20,000 mu per capita. The resources of the barren hills are as follows: (1) steep mountain slopes and barren soil layers; (2) complex landforms and obvious three-dimensional climate; (3) purple soil is widely distributed and soil types are large; (4) the forests are destroyed and water and soil loss are serious. Therefore, Yunyang County decided to develop barren hills resources, take the road of economic development of trees. First of all, more than 500m in the hilly area of purple soil, warm, light, water and other conditions are better to the development of citrus, mulberry, loquat, combined with the development of plum, apricot, pear, peach, Barren soil, no reclamation value, should vigorously develop the razorgrass. Secondly, 500-1000m areas should be developed with tung oil tree and Eucommia ulmoides, while the acid soil in the Xujiahe formation should develop tea, camellia, kiwifruit, mountain pepper and persimmon trees;