“郭绍纲赏珍展”在广东美术馆举行 2006年3月2日-3月9日在广东美术馆12号厅展出。郭绍纲先生,1953 年毕业于中央美术学院,1955年留学于苏联列宾美术学院专攻油画,1960年回国任教,1978年任广州美术学院油画系副主任,1985年任广州美术学院院长。“亲近自然、深入生活”是写实主义绘画的一大特点,这在俄国绘画和中国近代绘画里都有表现,郭老禀承现实主义风格、写实主义绘画技法,溶炼出自已的绘画风貌。“写生”而不拘泥于“对景”,表现大自然的朴实、清新,造就了一种身临其境的现实感,既区别于单纯的写生,又区别于刻意的表现。执着于自然,忠实于物象的原色,简炼中不排除“色”的丰富性与“光”的丰富性,叠错的笔触感美丽呈现。
“Guo Shao Gang reward exhibition” held in Guangdong Museum of Art March 2, 2006 -9 March 9 at the Guangdong Museum of Art on display. Mr. Guo Shaogang graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1953 and studied abroad at the Repin Academy of Fine Arts in the Soviet Union in 1955. He returned to China in 1960 to teach in 1978 and was the deputy director of the Oil Painting Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 1978. He was the dean of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 1985. Being close to nature and living in depth is a characteristic of realistic painting, which manifests both in Russian painting and in modern Chinese paintings. Guo lays in the style of realism and realistic painting, dissolving his own painting style. “Sketching” without being limited to “scenery”, showing the simplicity of nature, fresh, creating an immersive sense of reality, is different from the simple sketch, but also different from the deliberate performance. Dedicated to nature, faithful to the primary colors of objects, it does not exclude the richness of “color” and the richness of “light” in conciseness.