我国西部 2 0 0 3年要重点实施“一通、二退、三到户”工程。“一通”就是西部地区县际通沥青公路 ;“二退”就是实施退耕还林、退牧还草工程 ;“三到户”就是逐步实现农村饮水解决到户、沼气池建设到户、生态移民安置到户。据全国计划会议上消息 ,2 0 0 3年西部地区基础设施和
In western China, the “one-pass, two-retreat and three-for-one” project should be implemented emphatically in 2003. “One-way” is the inter-county highway in the western region; “Two-retreat” refers to the project of returning farmland to forestry and returning grazing land to grassland; “Three to households” means to gradually realize the goal of drinking water supply in villages, biogas digesters and eco- Placed to households. According to the news of the National Planning Conference, infrastructure and infrastructure in the western region in 2003