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根据唐宋时期的国家礼典,北宋的“讲武礼”仍如唐制,是以王朝集结在京重兵,由皇帝亲行大阅为唯一的形式。这一活动在礼仪文本上通北宋一代基本没有变化,在实践上则仅在宋初三朝举行过数次。就其空间的广大与人员众多来说,讲武礼是王朝在非战时状态下举行的最大规模、最高级别礼仪与军事活动。宋初三朝的皇帝大阅,皆在战争或酝酿中的战争之前举行,遂使之具有战争前奏的意义;并且大规模军事集结,又使大阅具有武力威慑的军事功能。正因讲武礼的实质是大规模军事集结,这一代表王朝重大军事动向的活动,在宋辽澶渊之盟后,为了保障根本的安全环境、避免破坏和局,而不再举行。 According to the national rituals of the Tang and Song dynasties, the Northern Song dynasty’s “Wu Li” is still the same as the Tang system. It is based on the fact that the dynasty was concentrated in Beijing and the emperor’s personal deignation was the only form. This activity was basically unchanged in etiquette texts through the Northern Song Dynasty, but in practice, it was held only a few times in the early Song and the 3rd dynasties. In terms of its vast space and large numbers of personnel, speaking of Wu Li is the largest and highest level of etiquette and military activity held by the dynasty under non-war conditions. The first reading of the emperor in the Song Dynasty and the third dynasty was held before the war or brewing war, thus making it a prelude to the war; and the massive military assembly also enabled the military to deter the military. It is precisely because the essence of Wu Li is a large-scale military assembly. This major dynastic and major military move, after the establishment of the Song and Yuan dynasties, is no longer held in order to safeguard the fundamental security environment and avoid sabotage.
影帝困惑:贤淑妻为何变身“河东狮”  2011年10月,葛优随《赵氏孤儿》剧组赴上海、南京、广州等地巡回宣传,短短20天跑了16个城市。回到北京,葛优十分疲惫。一进家门,他把包往沙发上一扔便倒在了床上。妻子贺聪摇着他的胳膊央求:“陪我去商场买个包,晚上去我爸妈家吃饭。”“我好困,别烦我!”葛优吼了一嗓子,继续睡。  好不容易把丈夫盼回来,他却是这个态度,贺聪不由得浮想联翩:自己是家庭妇女,已经50