经理层治理评价的内涵和方法 公司治理指数是从公司治理的理论和实务出发,运用统计学、运筹学原理,采用一定的指标体系,按照合理的程序,通过定量分析与定性分析,以指数形式对上市公司治理状况做出的系统客观的评价。 中国公司治理指数(简称南开治理指数,CCGINK)是以公司治理著名学者李维安教授带领的南开大学公司治理研究中心,长期研究和前瞻中国公司治理动态的结果,他们的研究在以下方面有所突破:由公司治理结构研究到公司治理机制研究,由国内公司治理研究到跨国公司治理研究,由传统形态的公司治理研究到网络公司治理研究,由公司治理研究到民营企业治理研究,由被治理者研究到治理者治理研究。
The connotation and method of management appraisal of corporate governance The corporate governance index is based on the theory and practice of corporate governance. It uses the principles of statistics and operations research, adopts a certain index system, and according to a reasonable procedure, through quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, A systematic and objective assessment of the governance of listed companies. The Chinese corporate governance index (Nankai Governance Index, CCGINK) is a result of long-term research and forward-looking Chinese corporate governance led by Professor Li Weian, a well-known corporate governance scholar. Their research has made breakthroughs in the following aspects: From corporate governance structure research to corporate governance mechanism research, from domestic corporate governance research to multinational corporate governance research, from the traditional forms of corporate governance research to the network corporate governance research, from corporate governance research to private enterprise governance research, To governance governance research.