开展“五好”家庭活动 解除职工后顾之忧

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我公司有职工1,091人,常年在全国各地施工。家属除居住农村外,集中住在西安5个宿舍院,共384户,1,000多人。“文革”前,家属团结互助较好。十年动乱,家属院的“互助风”成了“互斗风”,职工现形容说,“有双打、单打、混合打”。青少年中沾染偷窃等流氓习气的也不少。1979年,10几个青少年结伙到公司偷割电缆,搞钱吃喝玩乐。类似这样的消息,传到在外施工人员耳里,引起不安,有的要求调动或改行。1980年,市里介绍了先进经验,开展五好家庭活动。这年4月,我们在东升街51号家属院试点。这个院家属间经常打架斗殴、丢失衣物,并且卫生很差,鸡屎遍地。现在门卫有人过问,纠纷有人调解,打架有人处理,而且院里栽花种 Our company employs 1,091 people and works all year round throughout the country. In addition to living in rural areas, the family members lived in five dormitory houses in Xi’an, a total of 384 households and more than 1,000 people. Before the “Cultural Revolution”, the families were more united and helpful. Ten years of turmoil, the “mutual help” of the family’s homes became “fighting each other,” and the employees described that “there are doubles, singles, and mixed fights.” There are also a lot of young people who are contaminated with narcotics, such as theft. In 1979, a group of 10 young people ganged to the company to steal cables and engage in food and drink. The news like this was spread to the outside construction staff, causing anxiety and some requests for redeployment or diversion. In 1980, the city introduced advanced experience and launched five good family activities. In April of this year, we piloted the family’s home at No. 51 Dongsheng Street. Families in this hospital often fight and lose clothing, and their health is poor. Now that the guards have been questioned, people have been arbitrated in disputes, and people have been fighting to deal with them, and the garden has planted flowers.
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