敌敌畏(DDVP)和杀螟硫磷(Sumithion)是近年来新出产的有机磷杀虫剂,在国内用于防治水稻及蔬菜等作物害虫,效果良好。为了探求对茶树害虫的药效和寻找防治茶树害虫的高效低毒的安全药剂,我站于1964年将此两药剂对茶毛虫(Euproctis pseudoconspe-rsa Strand)、茶刺蛾(Thosea sp)、四点刺蛾(Parsa Consocia Walker)、青剌蛾(学名待定)、茶叶斑蛾(Eterusia aedea L)、大尺蠖(Buzura suppressaria benescripta Prou)、
DDVP and Sumithion are newly-produced organophosphorus insecticides in recent years and are used domestically to control crop pests such as rice and vegetables with good results. In order to explore the efficacy of tea tree pests and search for effective and low-toxicity safe agents for controlling tea tree pests, I set aside the two agents for Euproctis pseudoconspe-rsa Strand, Thosea sp, Parsa Consocia Walker, Paleocarpus (scientific name to be determined), Eterusia aedea L, Buzura suppressaria benescripta Prou,