蒲松龄故居坐落在淄博市淄川区蒲家庄,到今仍保持着旧日的风貌,门前古槐荫翳,老瓦青砖门楣匾额上‘蒲松龄故居’五个大字为郭沫若亲笔手书。 故居内,四通院落相连,瓦房茅舍相间;山石水池遍布,花墙月门古朴典雅。‘聊斋’正房内,悬挂着蒲公74岁时江南著名画家朱湘鳞为他作的肖像。画像两旁是郭沫若手书联:‘写鬼写妖高人一等,刺贪刺虐入骨三分’。房内陈列着蒲公当年用过的床、椅、茶几
The former residence of Pu Songling is located in Pujiazhuang, Zichuan District, Zibo City, and still maintains the style of the old days. In front of the ancient Huaiyinjiao and the old tile-white brick lintel plaque, the five characters of the former residence of Pu Songling are written by Guo Moruo . Former residence, the courtyard is connected to Sifang, Wazhou hut and white; rock pools throughout, simple and elegant flower gate Moon Gate. ’Liao Zhai’ is the main room, hung Pu Gong 74 years old Jiangnan famous painter Zhu Xiangqian made for his portrait. On both sides of the portrait is Guo Moruo handwritten couplets: ’write ghost write superior dedication, stabbing aggression bones one-third.’ The room was used to display the princess bed, chairs, coffee table