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一、施工组织设计编制的基本内容我国公路工程传统的施工组织设计一般包括的内容有:工程概况、施工技术方案、施工进度计划、设计施工平面图、拟定技术组织措施等。1施工技术方案的选择。选择合理的施工方案是实施工程项目建设的核心,它包括施工方法和机械的选择、施工段的划分、工程开展的先后顺序和流水施工的安排等。施工方案的合理与否直接关系到工程的质量、进度和安全。 First, the basic content of the construction organization design compilation The traditional construction organization design of highway engineering in our country generally includes: project overview, construction technology plan, construction schedule, design and construction plans, the formulation of technical organization measures. A selection of construction technology solutions. Choosing a reasonable construction plan is the core of the construction project. It includes the selection of construction methods and machinery, the division of construction sections, the order in which projects are carried out, and the arrangement of construction of running water. The construction plan is reasonable or not directly related to the quality of the project, progress and safety.