1949年10月中旬,中国人民解放军第十二兵团司令员兼湖南军区司令员肖劲光正在衡宝战场上率部与敌酣战,机要参谋送来了一封第四野战军总部转发的加急电报,电文中说,毛泽东主席召见肖劲光,要他火速进京,有要事面商。 “要事?”肖劲光脑海里浮起一个问号,眼下湖南全省刚刚解放,百端待举,主席这时召见,有什么重要的事?他顾不得多想,带着一身征尘,登上了北去的列车。
In mid-October 1949, Commander of the XII Corps of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and commander of the Hunan Military Region Xiao Jinguang were battling rate troops and enemy troops on the battlefield of Hengbao. The confidential telegraph sent by the headquarters of the Fourth Field Army was sent by the chief of staff, In the message, Chairman Mao Zedong summoned Xiao Jinguang and wanted him to rushed to Beijing. “What happened?” Xiao Jinguang raised a question mark in his mind. At this moment, the province of Hunan has just liberated and is in full swing. What is important for the chairman summoning this time? North to the train.