缩减工时 增加就业——兼论政府在解决就业中的作用

来源 :科学·经济·社会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nihaobaobeisss
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一缓解就业压力是目前全社会普遍关注的热点、难点问题。解决这一难题可以有多种思路,有的能收长久之效,有的可解燃眉之急。而以我管见,惟改革工时制度,缩减工作时间,乃是一条标本兼治、符合国性、顺应潮流并具有创新意义的战略举措。而政府在缓解就业压力方面应当进... A pressure to ease the pressure of the general public is currently the focus of hot and difficult issues. To solve this problem can have a variety of ideas, and some can receive long-term effect, and some can solve the pressing needs. However, as far as I can see, the reform of the working time system and the reduction of working hours are a strategic move that takes into account the problems of both the symptoms and the root causes and meets the trend of the country with innovative significance. The government should ease the pressure of employment ...
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