
来源 :现代装饰(理论) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sleon001
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我国的生产力不断提高,工业发展速度迅猛,城市化进程加剧,但城市生存空间质量没有随之提高,许多城市都因城市化发展而显得非常拥挤,特别是发展而产生的一些超大城市已经无法满足人们的基本生活要求。城市发展产生的工业区,它是城市的经济命脉,过去人们一味的追求经济建设,政府鼓励发展工业建设,只重视生产中的厂房建设,新技术的开发,这也使人们付出沉重的代价,高大的厂房建筑物遮挡住街道阳光,污水排入河流,废气排入城市上空,开放空间分布不协调,工业区始终忽略与之配套的景观规划,工业区的建设,最人性化的不是车间的现代化程度有多高,而是工人生活与工作环境的舒适程度以及工业区中与周边的景观规划是否能弥补工业区带来的负面影响。 The productivity of our country is constantly improving, the industry is developing rapidly and the process of urbanization is exacerbated. However, the quality of urban living space has not been raised. Many cities are extremely overcrowded due to the urbanization. In particular, some mega-cities resulting from the development have become unsatisfied People’s basic living requirements. The industrial zone produced by urban development is the economic lifeline of the city. In the past, people blindly pursued economic construction. The government encouraged the development of industrial construction, and only emphasized on the construction of factory buildings and the development of new technologies, which also paid a heavy price. Tall buildings block the streets sunshine, sewage into the river, exhaust emissions into the city, the open space is not coordinated, the industrial zone always ignore the accompanying landscape planning, the construction of industrial zones, the most humane is not the workshop How modern is the degree of modernization, but how comfortable the workers’ living and working environment is, and whether the planning of the landscape in and around the industrial parks can compensate for the negative effects of the industrial zones.
曼氏裂头蚴病(sparganosis mansoni)是由曼氏迭宫绦虫的幼虫在人体寄生所致的寄生虫疾病,可侵犯全身多个组织和器官,我国尚有脑裂头蚴病、眼部裂头蚴病等相关报道,但世界范围